A review by teresab78
From Ferret With Love by Astrid Cooper


****Reviewed for Prism Book Alliance®****

3.5 Stars - From Ferret with Love is the latest offering in the Monsters inK series. It was fun and typical of the series, with fated mates, sexy times and a revisiting of the Monsters Ink headquarters.

We see many of the previous couples and although there isn’t much to the plot of the book, it was fun. I I really liked Fabian and Ashley as a couple, especially Fabian in his ferret form playing with Ashley. It was too cute for words.

The only thing I could have wished for was for it to be just a little bit longer and finding out what the two had in common beyond the mate bond. And a little less head hopping (but that was minor). It was a great book to fill in a few hours.
Prism Book Alliance®