A review by readsomemorekatie
Surrender Your Sons by Adam Sass


I felt this book had a ton of potential to be really awesome from the synopsis. I listened to the audiobook on my commute to and from work for several days and I really feel like probably half of my problem with this book was the narration so maybe this isn’t the most fair review.

I really thought the story itself was interesting but would have been so much better with a longer timeline. The fact that this whole story is supposed to have taken place within ONE DAY of Connor getting to the island REALLY, really did not sit well with me. There was definitely enough action and plot to have stretched his stay over several months which would have made all of the relationships much more believable.


The instalove was WAY over the top in this. I completely get that stressful situations can form fast bonds but the relationships in this were just too much. I’m not even talking just about the romantic relationship, even the friendships just seemed way too fast. I mean, Connor is pretty much self claimed to be a self preservationist but throws out an opportunity to save himself for his ‘friends’ he’s just met not even one day prior?! That just doesn’t go with the character.

The timing of the plot and the narration of the audiobook were my two huge problems with this story that had so much potential. The cadence in which the story was read in the audiobook was just odd and jarring a lot of the time. I just kept thinking ‘who reads like this?!’. Also, a lot of the voices of the characters the narrator used were just not great. Marcos was supposed to be this big buff hottie from Texas but he just came off sounding like Lenny from Of Mice and Men. Molly, who was supposed to be a badass just sounded nasally and annoying a lot of the time and the voices for the younger kids made them all sound like they were closer to six than thirteen. I kept questioning the whole time if this was a book I should actually read vs. listen to but there still would be the timeline issue of the story.

I think I’m just disappointed in the lost potential for this book most of all. I’ll be very interested to see how this author grows from the experience of writing this and will probably still read future books because the talent for storytelling is there, I just needs some refinement.