A review by zade
Emotional Abuse: A manual for self-defense by Zak Mucha


Mucha provides a compassionate and useful examination of emotional abuse and how victims of such mistreatment can protect themselves from and counteract the damage it does.

In this book, Mucha, a psychotherapist who has extensive experience in a variety of therapeutic settings, focuses on the central issues of emotional abuse, whether it occurs in the context of playground bullying, a romantic relationship, a parent-child relationship, or another setting. He shows the ways in which aggressors manipulate their targets, making the victim feel responsible for his/her own pain and guilty for feeling that pain at all.

A considerable part of the book focuses on the effects of emotional abuse on children, its most vulnerable victims, and how the effects of such abuse affect that person's development and adult relationships.

Mucha provides validation for victims of emotional abuse, but even more importantly, he provides the tools they can use to stand up for themselves against the damage they've already suffered and against current aggressors. He doesn't pretend either kind of self-defense is easy, but this book helps make it possible.