A review by paradoxically
The Lives We Lost by Megan Crewe


There are things that I really liked in the second book of the Fallen World series (the ending, for example) and other things that just made me unhappy (love triangles, general idiocy). They balance themselves out for the most part, though I wish that the beginning and middle of the book was anywhere near as good as the end.

Now that Kaelyn has a few vials of a vaccine, she and her friends race around Canada, trying to find people who are able to replicate what Kaelyn's father has created. Except not everyone is a good person and a careless mention of the vaccine sends people chasing after the group, putting their lives in danger not only from the virus, but from their fellow humans as well.

As I've said previously, the beginning and middle were kind of mediocre for me, with the ending being the best bit. Part of this was the introduction of the love triangle, which doesn't really go anywhere, but the mere mention of it really annoyed me. This is weird because I usually don't mind love triangles, but this one seemed to come out of nowhere (we know Kae's feelings, but c'mon, Leo, you have a girlfriend and you haven't talked to Kae before the virus happened for a couple of years). On the plus side it occupies a very small portion of the book and could probably be ignored easily. Also, the way it was ultimately handled was pretty good--it was just the existence of it that bothered me, really.

An easy page turner, The Lives We Lost had more action than the previous book. It also made me tired in some parts because the choices that are made are... well, not the brightest they could be in a few situations. Also a lot more trusting than I would ever have been, but, hey, the group just got off an isolated island so I suppose I could cut them some slack. 3 stars.