A review by audiobook_addict
Dreams of Dark and Light: The Great Short Fiction by Rosemary H. Jarman, Tanith Lee, Douglas Smith


I am currently rereading this collection of stellar short fiction by Tanith Lee. I read this a long time ago back when I was in the eighth grade and discovering fantasy and Sf for the first time and fell in love with it. It has been made accessible through Bookshare, another good source of books for the blind and visually impaired that I have been a part of for years. I had sent this book to them almost nine years ago because I couldn't scan it because I wanted to read a more portable version as it were from the five volumes of bulky braille that I originally read this in. I am currently into the second story, bite Me Not, and just finished Because Our Skins are Finer. That one still is one of my favorites and a very haunting tale indeed. I was blown away then and still am blown away now for this reread. I just found this and am diving into it with all four feet and absolutely love this collection. It may be uneven, and not in any chronological order but each individual story definitely sticks with you in their own right and they are all fabulous reads. Glad to get hold of this one. I'm rating it now, and will add to this possibly when I finish but I already know I'm going to definitely file this one in as a classic to keep for quite a while. I found this through Amazon a long time ago and couldn't read the print and thus didn't know there were images and pictures in this book until now. So, I'll take everybody's word for it that it was well illustrated, but it's cool to know there were pictures in this book to add to the flare of the story. I can't wait to continue on through this. Feel free to comment on this as well anybody that follows me and if you don't follow me feel free because I'm a book nut through and through. As a librarian and reader adviser for the Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped in Alabama, I tend to recommend this to any of my braille readers that love horror and scifi and fantasy as a lot of my folks do, but sadly some people forget the classics as this one is. I'm rediscovering old favorites nd finding new ones again that I have forgotten so this is a fun read. My weekend is going to be full with this one. Enjoy it if you haven't read it. I highly recommend this one.