A review by jen286
The Burglar by Thomas Perry


This started off well, but as the story went on the main character became so stupid. Like the things that happened became more and more unrealistic - what person, especially a woman, when they know killers are after them just goes off with random dude who singled you out and won't take no for an answer and is always there when you are? Like your best friend was just murdered, you know people are after you and yet you do not for one second think this random dude who is way too desperate to hang out with you might be in on it? okay. And how long she went on thinking the people in the black SUV's were cops...even after it was incredibly obvious they were not at all cops...it was so dumb. Then one of the last chapters is just this data dump to have one character say to another character everything that happened in order so that we know what happened. Like sure, knowing everything is great, but the way the author went about it? Not good. I might give another of his books a try as I was enjoying it at first and I did think maybe he just cannot write women well...we shall see.