A review by aclopez6
This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson


Recommend to families and teens who are interested in learning more about what it means to identify as LGBTQIA+ (primarily about being cis gay men, does not highlight many transgender/queer/bisexual needs and desires). There is minor nudity, but it's anatomy-focused. May be useful to warn families if they intend to gift this that it discusses, in detail, blow jobs, handjobs, and how to prepare for anal sex.

This book is primarily targeted at gay men and does not cover much beyond the binary. That being said, there are a lot of valuable moments from the book.
For example, pages 70 - 71 discuss an obliteration exercise to remind the audience of the impact of stereotypes on dehumanization. The first few chapters are broader and focused on attitudes, stereotypes, definitions, and statistics.