A review by jmanchester0
Batman/The Shadow: The Murder Geniuses by Steve Orlando, Scott Snyder


Minister Blizzard??

The art was pretty cool. And the working of The Shadow into the DC mythos was a neat idea, but ultimately really confusing. Is this supposed to be an Elseworlds?

I think the idea was better than the execution. They tried to go too ‰ЫПhigh concept‰Ыќ. I always like working in ancient myths and biblical ideas, but when it makes the story too hard to follow, it doesn‰ЫЄt work. And the most interesting characters were too short-lived. I would hope a Batman/Shadow crossover would be more interesting. I think I‰ЫЄd only recommend it for die hard Shadow and Batman fans. It‰ЫЄs not something that‰ЫЄs easy to follow if you don‰ЫЄt know the worlds - particularly Batman‰ЫЄs world.

I think 3 stars fits both for Netgalley (I Recommend This Book: Maybe) and Goodreads (liked it).

Thanks to NetGalley and DC Comics for a copy in return for an honest review.