A review by per_fictionist
Dangerous Remedy by Kat Dunn


-3.75 stars-

'Go right ahead,' said Al. 'I think we're due to rename ourselves Battalion of the Bad Plans anyway.'

This line just about sums up 'Dangerous Remedy' and of course you are not ready for the chaotic babies of the Battalion. If you love historical fictions set in the backdrop of French Revolution, this definitely is the book you ought to pick up! I am personally biased when history and fantasy infuse in a book so Dangerous Remedy turned out just my type.

With the French Revolution on the rise and the clash between the Revolutionaries and the Royalists at its peak, Camille Laroche spearheads THE BATTALION OF THE DEAD, a rag tag group of rebels and runaways, in an attempt to save the ones confuddled and ensared in the middle. But when they stumble upon a prisoner in the Conciergerie, all their past choices and the future of the Battalion are put into question.

I immensely enjoyed Kat Dunn's rather flamboyant and easy style of storytelling with just the right dash of info dump and ofcourse the steady pacing of the book. The trope of found family hits just the right spot and the ensemble definitely delivers to their full potential with conflicts within the inner circle adding a perceptible layer to the plot. This being my first F/F fantasy, I was all in and rooting for Ada and Laroche, but ahhhh I kind of wanted them to have more screen time together (not for the sake of romance, but ah just more of them? because they are freaking adorable!).

Now, I am all in for mild paced stories but I kind of would've preferred if the first part of story would've been sped up a little? The second part is just perfect *chef's kiss* no doubt about that! But yes, the start was kind of slow and it did take time to pick up pace!

The ending was phenomenal and ahh I KNEW THAT [redacted] was no good and turns out I was right. I am really excited to see how the story moves forward and where the BATTALION des Mortes meets next!