A review by sonny
Wrong Bed, Right Man by Rebecca Brooks


**Actually a 3.5-rating**

I had no idea the Author was going to continue this series, but it was an all right read. I just wish when these two decided to make their relationship be nothing but physical they didn't start at 150-kink factor. Can we start at stranger-danger sex and then work our way up to full-four-point restraint bondage? Jesus Christ!

Neither of these people gave off the idea they were kinky sexual people...oh, there was a definite sexual attraction at an instant-level but my gawd did they go from 0-150 in a matter of 24-48hrs. Unreal! And they seemed to stay there simply because their "meet-cute" had something to do with a bed...or her grandmother antique bed-frame.

So, we have a major boyfriend/girlfriend break-up. The girlfriend, Rose, is about to go pick up her grandmother's old bed, from her Ex's apartment but finds a mysterious strange man napping on the mattress. Once he wakes, he immediately breaks the bed frame, but they learn later there was a reason it broke so quickly. The man is actually, Owen...and Owen is a carpenter who makes his own authentic furniture at his family's store. He is answering an Ad on Craigslist to pick up an antique bed from this strange guy...come to find out, the bed is NOT the guy's to sell, because it belongs to this Pretty lady ->ROSE. Anyway, they have a lot of sexual innuendo-ing because Owen does some investigating and finds out that the reason the bed was so fragile and collapsed was that the last person to use it had utilized two restraints on the old headboard. Hence the reason for her breaking up with her boyfriend. The boyfriend is the CEO of his family IKEA-like furniture company, called CUBE, and they are the main competitor for Owen's market. Fast, cheap furniture at your fingertips but doesn't last. Owen promises to fix her grandmother's bed and to bring it to her new apartment. THIS ramps them up to insta-lust and they go directly into bondage sex, like...sheesh, fuckin' slow the brakes yo! I wasn't disgusted by the kinky sex it just came out of nowhere and it was the first type of sex they ever had with one another, so then it became ALL they did in bed together.

I was a bit taken back by some of the time-jumps we're told go on to show that their relationship went on a lot longer than the book is...it feels like they know each other so well so quickly and fall for one another with no qualms or worries. Until this big gala event where it puts her in a bracket of choose THEM or HIM? And Owen gets a bit too big for his britches in the sense that he tries to play the heavy Hero saving the Damsel in distress, when she's so far from that and she can save herself. Rose needs her job to have money to pay rent and eat, but he thinks nothing about ruining her chances of a better job or even getting her feet firmly planted so she can make an informed decision.

Owen was too heated and too over-protective. It came out of nowhere and just...it soured him for me because I think he played at being Alpha-dog when he was really a soft, squishy Beta-puppy, especially for a guy who just blindly restrains a woman on their first night of sex! The two characteristics didn't jive well with me...Is he Alpha or is he a sensitive Beta? They obviously went too hot-and-heavy into a sexual relationship because when they weren't around the other for a mere DAY or even a few 12hr periods...they couldn't cope without the other. I'm not too sure that's a healthy relationship to build on. To readers' eyes they barely know one another, but those hidden time-jumps made it seem like they'd been fucking for months before they had their huge drama-angsty moment of the break-up.