A review by colin_cox
All-New X-Men, Vol. 2: Here to Stay by Brian Michael Bendis


Volume 2 of All-New X-Men by Brian Michael Bendis successfully continues what Volume 1 establishes. The tone and mood are light and irreverent while not devolving into unfettered, overwrought nonsense. Readers who like X-Men are probably familiar with the tendency X-Men writers have to overexpose Logan (Wolverine) while oversimplifying Scott Summers (Cyclops). Luckily, Bendis seems far more interested in Summers and the consequences of choices he made in previous runs (see Avengers vs. X-Men for more details).

There is a rather unsavory cliffhanger at the end of issue #10 that winks at the audience a little too much, but that is a small misstep in a delightful collection of comics.