A review by litwithleigh
The Love Rematch by Kay Marie


Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. IYKYK, my reviews are ALWAYS honest.

Writing: legitimate | Plot: tons of potential | Ending: FINALLY LOL


When Emily finds herself cast as the new lead on Love Match (fictionalized The Bachelorette), she doesn't expect to be working with Jake, the love of her life that quite literally left in the middle of the night and never returned.


This one is honestly hard to rate because it is brimming with potential. First, the writing is GREAT. Definitely better than your average book. And the premise? JUICY. I've never seen an episode of The Bachelorette, but I'm a hoe for Love is Blind. The behind-the-scenes look at how reality dating TV shows are produced was really interesting. I'm not sure how accurate it is, but it sounds like hell. All of that just to get a bad edit and be harassed by randos online? No thanks.

Where I struggled was the actual love story. This was the miscommunication trope on bath salts. And sure, all romcoms have a lil bit of miscommunication, but it's annoying AF when the only thing that makes them "enemies" is the fact they won't have an honest conversation about what happened 7 years ago. They aren't enemies because one of them is a developer trying to buy out her cupcake shop to turn it into overpriced condos—they're enemies because he literally dipped out on her 7 years ago without saying boo and she won't simply ask WHY??

In fact, these two nitwits do EVERYTHING but sit down and have an honest convo about what happened. I was so lost because I couldn't understand their priorities. Ole dude climbs through her bedroom window and lures her into the bathroom for an incognito chat only to ask her why she dropped out of college after the first semester and ogle her left buttcheek (from the front? I don't understand the logistics of this). I mean at one point they naked bungee jump together (is that even allowed? my titties would come clean off my chest). But actually speak about that fateful night? Absolutely not. Risk your life jumping 3ft across to his balcony? No problemo!!!!

Anyways. I was also surprised how deep this went. There's some serious issues raised here so brace yourself. One of them kinda rubbed me the wrong way but I'm going on vacation tonight so I don't wanna get too worked up