A review by ladyyluna
Requiem for the Devil by Jeri Smith-Ready


I love this book, I really really do, and once I have it in my hands I'll probably carry it wherever I go.

SpoilerThis book holds the story of the devil, and more than that, the devil falling in love. It's the story of him finding redemption through love, of him willing to leave behind everything he is for the one thing he never thought could and would touch him, and even though he can barely hold on to it because of who and what he is, he holds on, and through that, you could say he loses everything but gains the one thing he was searching for all along, but had stopped looking, because of love.

Honestly, if I ever become rich or something, I'd PAY to have this book made into a movie, and if they let me, I'll make it myself to make SURE it's exactly like the book, as much as it can possibly be.

Some important notes that bear mentioning: first, reviews are highly subjective, including mine. My opinion is meant to give an overview of what I saw/felt when I read it (and how it may or may not have made my brain explode). What I see might not be what you see, and what I like (or don't) might not be what you enjoy, which is just fine. My advice to anyone looking into a book? Read the premise, and if it interests you enough, give it a chance and form your own opinion.