A review by exorcismofemilyreed
A Voice So Soft by Patrick Lacey



Patrick Lacey always has such fun story concepts, and A Voice So Soft definitely fits that bill. Music horror is something I've only been aware of in recent years, and all of the offerings in that subgenre have been entertaining so far.

I enjoyed seeing how everything played out in this book, and I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen. Unfortunately, I really struggled with the pacing of this book. It went very slowly, especially for such a short book, and it ended up feeling repetitive for me since it took a while for something different to happen.

I felt like there was a too much focus on Esmeralda's food choices. The character is obese, and has a lot of health problems, but I didn't really care for having all of her meals listed out everytime she ate. I get the point of showing that she had a psychological overeating issue, but it was carried throughout the entire book. It was just mundane details being repeated.

Although I had some issues with this book, I did enjoy the story for the most part. I was still interested in what was going on, and I think this will work well for readers who enjoy slower-paced horror stories. The magic and cult aspects were intriguing, and I hope there will be a second book since there's a door left open for one at the end.