A review by nico2022
Anything That Loves by Charles "Zan" Christensen


Loved this diverse collection of comics centered around bisexuality! There's a great breadth of illustration styles, tones, gender and sexual orientation experiences, backgrounds, and storytelling sophistication.

Some of my favorite contributors include:
* Kate Leth (leading off with a sassy little primer on the bi experience)
* Agnes Czaja (oh to be a bi lady: "So are you, like, more straight, or like a percentage, like 60/40..." "Is it just safer for you to date men?")
* Alex Dahm (love their illustration style)
* Bill Roundy (charming as fuck and makes you just want a hug)
* Leah H. Candhok ("Anyway, I'm sure ALL straight women have crushes on other women, and are totally enamored with the female form, and would totally have sex with women. Yeah!")
* Erika Moen (how did I not know about this human before?!)
* Powflip (asexual latex enthusiasts' love story)
* Nick Leonard ("I mean first of all, they were grown men in a softball league. That's pretty damn gay! Plus, by the rules, each team is allowed up to 2 straight members. 3 bis, that equals 1/4 gays... I say they're safe by half a homo!")

I will say there were a couple stories that didn't feel totally complete ( I really wanted more from Randall Kirby's panels on "bisexuality" vs "pansexuality") or unique (Steve Orlando's story about two guys arguing over whether one of them is gay or bi feels tired at the end of the collection, when that theme has already been explored in more interesting ways), and Roberta Gregory's contribution felt like a weird personal publishing history.

But overall, I absolutely loved it, and I really appreciated a collection completely devoted to the bisexual experience (the good, the bad, and the fugly).