A review by georgiewhoissarahdrew
Dancing in the Duke's Arms by Shana Galen, Grace Burrowes, Carolyn Jewel, Miranda Neville


Superior short stories from Grace Burrowes and Carolyn Jewel. I thought, after reading GB's modern novellas/short stories, that maybe the form wasn't her style, but reading this I think perhaps the contemporary setting just doesn't suit her style. I particularly enjoyed the Carolyn Jewel story - perhaps it IS a reworking of the story she wrote for [b:Christmas in the Duke's Arms: A Christmas Anthology|23211998|Christmas in the Duke's Arms A Christmas Anthology|Grace Burrowes|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1412280016s/23211998.jpg|42754720], but it's got better. The Miranda Neville story was fine, and the Shana Galen was, for me, the weakest. But 3/4 ain't bad!