A review by apostrophen
Night Shadows: Queer Horror by Greg Herren, J.M. Redmann


Edit: Price-drop, until end of day November 1st, 2018, for Hallowe'en, on the Bold Strokes Books web-store, in all e-formats, 25% off.

Full disclosure: I have a story in this collection, "Filth," which was my one (and thus far only) foray in to writing horror. That said, once I got the collection, I was stunned at how awesome the other stories were (you have to make sure to find somewhere dark and quiet to read the novella length "Everyday Mayhem" at the end of this collection, but don't do it before you need to sleep), and super proud to have made the cut.

Jeffrey Ricker's take on a ghost story was chilling, too, as was J.M. Redmann's super-disturbing tale of dark nunnery. (Did I really just say "dark nunnery?" I guess I did.)