A review by mikekaz
Alien Sex: 19 Tales by the Masters of Science Fiction and Dark Fantasy by Ellen Datlow


This is a pretty good mix of stories. All of them are stories about people and beings having sex with an alien of some sort. Not all are aliens from outer space but also just alien-ness of the sex act with new and different partners. There are some real gems here and my favorites are below.

"How's the Night Life on Cissalda?" by Harlan Ellison - The ultimate in sexual intercourse comes for a visit.

"Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex" by Larry Niven - The reality of Superman's sex life.

"Roadside Rescue" by Pat Cadigan - A weird story that turns out to be sexual.

"All My Darling Daughters" by Connie Willis - An excellent story that seems to be light-hearted at first but turns out to be VERY intense.

"Saving The World At The Moon Motel" by Roberta Lannes - A troublesome relationship leads to an incredible result.

"Love and Sex Among the Invertebrates" by Pat Murphy - The next generation of beings after humans.