A review by autwills
The Fanatic by Cynthia D. Witherspoon


A throw down of mythical proportions


This book starts out in the prologue from the viewpoint of Allison, who was dethroned by Eva as having the number one paranormal show. A little confusing at first, but I understood why it written that way.

Allison decides to commit suicide by way of vengeance to make Eva pay. While in the Underworld, you are introduced to the Erinyes, which are the Goddesses of Vengeance. Creepy, creepy little girls. Together with Allison, they plot to have the attention taken away from Eva and Apollo, and put back on themselves. Allison is sent back to our world, and hooks up with Eli, he's then attacked and is falls into a coma.
Cyrus gets wind of this plan, and isn't too happy. He and Eva visit Athena, who has made an appearance in our world. Eva gets a glimpse of what makes Athena tick, then she's off to battle Allison.
A most epic battle is waged, in the middle of a snowy abandoned cemetery (great effect), and ultimately Eva wins.
Eli is revived from his coma, and all is well. Eva and Eli remain friends, and Cyrus is finally stuck with Eva, not the other way around.

(Disclosure, I'm reviewing for Kylie's Fiction Addiction)