A review by froydis
A Song Called Home by Sara Zarr


Thanks to Edelweiss and Balzer & Bray/Harperteen for early access to this title.

This was so good! I really enjoyed this story, and how real it was. Lou is a compelling character dealing with some fairly heavy things for a middle schooler. I really felt for her and everything she was going through. All the characters are having struggles - Lou's older sister, Casey, her mother and her new stepdad, not to mention her alcoholic father. Add a move with a new school, and its a lot for a kid! Zarr's writing perfectly captures Lou's thoughts, and lets us see more than perhaps Lou is capable of for her age. This is a great book for any tween going through problems, and for those who are not, to develop empathy and understanding. Parents will also get a lot from this book, reminding them of how hard life can be for kids and teens. Highly Recommended!