A review by hiveretcafe
The Devil You Know by Trish Doller


This review was originally posted on my blog, Hiver et Cafe

I received an e-ARC from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion whatsoever nor was I compensated in any shape or form in exchange for this review.

The Devil You Know is a thriller that takes place in Florida. Arcadia doesn't know really what she wants to do with her life. While on her way to a party, she invites a cute boy to said party only to meet his hot older cousin there as well. She makes the impulsive decision to take a little road trip with them only to find out that not everything is as it seems with one of the cousins as one of them has some sociopathic tendencies.

I love thrillers. A lot. The Devil You Know is a quick, action packed thriller where everything seems alright at first, but then things start going wrong. Things escalate pretty quickly and I wish it could have been a slower build up and a little longer. I prefer slow build up since it builds tension and anticipation to find out what's going on.

I like Arcadia. She's pretty much the main care giver for her 4 year old brother and she wants to see the world outside of her little bubble in her town. I like that she is smart and she doesn't take shit from the boys and questions their off handed sexism. And despite making some poor choices, I understand the reasoning behind them.

It's interesting to see the dynamics between the cousins, Noah and Matt. Noah is a forest ranger. He has an angry scar running down his face and has tattoos on his arms. He has some past issues that don't paint him as the best sort of character. Matt is Arcadia's age and he's going to Yale in the fall. He's sweet and good in a way that portrays him as pretty much the polar opposite of Noah. Despite their differences, the two are quite close. Arcadia and Noah are mutually attracted to each other, but Matt seems to take an interest in her too.

The big reveal of the "bad guy" was predictable and not a surprise to me. I did enjoy the whole scenario when Arcadia finds out and starts freaking out.

THE DEVIL YOU KNOW is a great quick thriller novel with an ending that left me satisfied.