A review by odomaf
Changeling by Kelly Meding


This is not your typical paranormal romance/urban fantasy. This book is not for you, if you are going for the girl-meets-boy, girl-and-boy-get-insatiably-hot-for-each-other, girl-and-boy-have-some-heart-rending-complication, girl-and-boy-resolve-everything-with-the-hottest-sex-ever, oh-and-also-there's-a-bit-of-adventure-thrown-in. If I hadn't been wondering "when they heck are they getting together" for most of the book, I think I would have enjoyed the overall experience more. So know going in that there is *no sex* in this book (unusual for a Pocket After Dark book).

This story is more complex than traditional urban fantasy and paranormal romance, with a truly fascinating ending. I can't stop thinking about the story, despite a few shortcomings -- like the superhero names (silly) and how they're used interchangeably with the real names (confusing).

I did *not* read the first book in this series, because I didn't realize there was one before I started reading Changeling. There are references to the first book in this second one, so I'd recommend looking for "Trance" and starting at the beginning. :)