A review by kunger129
The Thing Is by Kathleen Gerard


Meredith is a romance writer who's in a depressive rut after the death of her fiance three years ago. She's unable to write, and she doesn't even really leave her apartment if she can avoid it. Her sister, Monica, forces her to watch her client's dog after the older woman injures her foot and needs surgery. Monica had agreed to take the dog herself, but she's allergic. Meredith, like me, doesn't like dogs, and she is reluctant to keep Prozac.

Prozac is a very unusual dog. He's a certified therapy dog, so Meredith is expected to take him to Evergreen Gardens for visits with "his people." Many antics ensue with Prozac, Meredith, and the residents of the retirement community. Some were entertaining, and some were a little over the top. At times I was reminded of watching The Golden Girls.

The book is told in two view points: Meredith, who I loved, especially when she was bantering with her sister, and Prozac, who we learn is actually on assignment as a spirit guide dog. Think It's a Wonderful Life, but instead of an angel, it's a dog assigned to help Meredith. Prozac's chapters dragged a little bit for me, especially at the beginning.

Ultimately, I enjoyed reading about Meredith being drawn out of her reclusive shell, and Prozac was the impetus to that change. Having him in her life brought her to some new relationships that I really liked, but in the end the dog-parts were just too doggy for me. I think dog-lovers will enjoy this book a lot more than I did.
