A review by professorfate
Pogo: The Complete Syndicated Comic Strips, Volume 1: Through the Wild Blue Wonder by Walt Kelly


My dad was a huge fan of "Pogo". During the holidays, he would always be singing a Pogo-ized carol, like "Deck us all with Tom and Charlie...". Pogo was before my time, so I had never read it. I have been on a comic-strip tear for a while now, reading treasuries of "Pearls Before Swine", "FoxTrot" and most recently "Krazy Kat". When I saw that Fantagraphics was putting out compilations of "Pogo," I thought I'd try it. And I enjoyed this volume.

Since the comic strip (or at least the ones in this volume) were from 1949 and 1950, I didn't get all of the references (I will admit, though, that I got a lot more than I thought I would). Fortunately, there is a section in the back that explains them.

I've already got volume 2, and I'm sure I'll be reading it at some point.