A review by anasatticbookblog
Eye Candy by Tara Sivec, J. Daniels, Bella Jewel, Tijan, Helena Hunting


Eye Candy by Tijan, J. Daniels, Helena Hunting, Bella Jewel and Tara Sivec

Halloween Anthology featuring characters and stories from favorite books by these authors.

I was so excited to read Eye Candy! Helena Hunting and Tara Sivec are two of my favorite authors, and Tara’s Holiday Series needed a Halloween story badly. I loved J. Daniel’s Sweet Series, but I haven’t read her whole Alabama Summer Series yet (though I may now). Bella Jewel and Tijan are both at the top of my want-to-read list, so I had really high expectations for this anthology. I will review each story separately and briefly.

Fallen Crest Nightmare by Tijan:

I have not read Tijan before. I tried reading for 4 days, and just couldn’t push past 8%. I felt completely lost, like I was dropped right in the middle of a book. But really it was supposedly more like an epilogue to the Fallen Crest Series by Tijan. A number of people told me to stick with it, because it’s a really good, really creepy story, but my head wasn’t in the right place to push through. I may try again on Halloween.

DNF (can’t rate)

So Much More by J. Daniels

I haven’t read the whole Alabama Summer Series yet, so I did feel a little lost, but not too bad. There was LOTS of sexy in this one, and I am very interested in reading more of the series now, but it wasn’t very Halloweenie, it was more about pregnancy and hot sex.

We actually get 5 different male POV in this story, so if you have read and loved the series, you can catch up with all of your favorite characters.

Note: I actually forgot, I did listen to the first in the series, so I thought maybe it was a little familiar at the beginning, but even though I listened recently, it didn't stick with me, so this all felt new.

3.5 Stars

Getting Down by Helena Hunting

I totally loved this one! We are reunited with Bane and Ruby from Shacking Up, but the story is just as much about Amie, who will be getting her own book, Hooking Up, in November. This felt like a full story, but it does leave you excited for more.
“I can’t do that with my vagina hanging out!” I gesture wildly to my crotch.

I was laughing out loud several times. I don’t think it is necessary to have read the ones before in this case, she seems to do a good job of filling in the blanks, because I have a very poor memory. Still, since I DID read Shacking Up, I can’t truly judge that. I do think that if you plan on reading Hooking Up next, you should read this story first, as it will have a huge background for the couple in Hooking Up.

4.5 stars

Unsafe Haven by Bella Jewel

I didn’t think that this story was really related to any other of Bella’s stories, and if it is, you’d never know. I really enjoyed this sweet romance, with an exciting night of Halloween suspense.
*Note: the main couple is new, but the book is a spin off of The Watcher by Bella Jewel.

4.5 stars

The Pumpkin Was Stuffed by Tara Sivec

I am totally in love with the Holiday family and found myself laughing out loud (complete with snorts) in this perfect addition to the Holiday Series. I think if you have not read the series before, it’s a great introduction to the ridiculous crazy that comes out of Tara’s brain. Sometimes you can’t help but crack up at the silliness of it all, and that’s what makes it so special.
“You’re going to be the sexiest oven anyone has ever seen,” I whisper in her ear.
“Forget about cooking a baby. I’m going to chop off your balls and cook those instead.”

Scheva & Alex, Aunt Bobbie and her pot pills, apple butter lube, lots of clowns, and the whole Holiday family brought all the crazy, but in true Tara Sivec tradition, she brings a little sweet as well. I loved this one!

PS: Butthole Meat is now a new phrase in my house.

4.5-5 stars

The Down & Dirty:

As someone who is not an anthology lover, I still enjoyed this book. 4 of the 5 stories were really like extended epilogues to series already released, only Bella Jewel’s story was almost a total standalone. Being that these all read like epilogues, there was lots of pregnancy related stories. If I had read all of the series featured in this anthology I think it would be a must read, because I would have hated to miss Helena’s and Tara’s stories, as they are related to books I know and loved. But I don't think that this is really the best for new readers of all of these series, I think you should at least have one that you know you'll love to pick this up and make it worth it. It was TOTALLY worth it for me.

Overall Rating: 4 stars, Heat 4.5 (just from 2 stories)

Purchase Eye Candy Anthology