A review by calistareads
Future Quest Presents Vol. 1 by Jeff Parker


There are 2 stories in this volume. There is the Space ghost story which is 3 issues and the last 2 issues are about Birdman.

I used to watch Space Ghost, Johnny Quest and others on Nickelodeon while I was doing my homework. Hanna Barbera did some really great Fantasy stories at that time. Space Ghost is cool because it mixes Sci-Fy with Fantasy. On Amzot there is Tundro and Gleep, Zok, Zandor, and Tarra. They are humans and dinosaur looking fantasy creatures. Space Ghost is looking for the element Zeo to power up more of his armbands.

It's no wonder I'm such a fantasy geek. I loved this stuff as a kid. I was made for fantasy, I suppose.

The second story is about Birdman and I don't remember him as a cartoon. He has a sidekick that is a real bird named Avenger and they talk back and forth.

This was a fun and quick read with nostalgia thrown in. I know the cartoons were cheesy and they used footage over and over again, but I sort of want to see 1 or 2 just as a reminder.

There was also Jabber-jaw and Grape Ape. Man, that was was terrible stuff, but I loved watching it.