A review by prationality
Like a Thorn: BDSM Fairy Tales by Shanna Germain, Mercy Loomis, Sarah Desautels, Cecilia Tan, Kieran Wyn Dewhurst, Sunny Moraine, Mari Ness


Cinder Feet by Mari Ness--A variation on 'Cinderella', the premise was good (Cinderella being submissive to her stepmother) the story itself was a little too short. I spent most of the 4 pages uncertain who exactly was giving Cinderella orders and it was only on the second read through that I understood.

The Princess and Peony by Mercy Loomis--A variation on 'The Princess and the Pea', I enjoyed this story the most. The Princess, Cara, arrives at the Prince's castle after chasing down her former lady-in-waiting Peony. Apparently Cara's parents didn't like Cara and Peony's relationship, so they sent her away. It’s a sweet and a treat to read.

The Last Mistress of the Chatelaine by Kieran Wyn Dewhurst--A variation on 'Bluebeard and his wives', I enjoyed this, but was at the same time unsettled. Told in the first person from Sophie' viewpoint, the story takes a sharp turn in the other direction upon the revelation of her lords sin. The story was good, but meandered a little bit in the middle.

That Wicked Witchcraft by Sunny Moraine--A variation on 'Hansel and Gretal', I did not particularly like this story. I didn't like Greta--swarmy is perhaps a very good term for her and Han was kind of a throw away. I liked the 'witch' Circe and was sad at her fate at the end.

Skin Deep by Shanna Germain--Another variation of 'Beauty and the Beast', but not quite. I won't ruin the surprise for you, but I was digging this one and really had hoped it would end out with our narrator, Beauty, winning out. It’s open-ended however, so I live in hope!

Overall the anthology is a solid one--it definitely explores several different ways that BDSM can be used (or abused) and the stories were well-written. I definitely found a couple new authors to keep an eye on!