A review by phoenixinthecity
Driven to Distraction by Olivia Dade


My first Olivia Dade and I was intrigued because the heroine was Chinese and the series is called Lovestruck Librarians.
I really enjoyed this and a large part of it is probably because I can totally relate to Constance's desire to NOT have kids because she raised her siblings-children. I did not expect her permanent solution to get sterilized - that seemed extreme to me because isn't it a rather invasive procedure? - but I respect her conviction.
Sam was the perfect teddy bear for her - 5 years younger and with his own hang-ups of feeling abandoned by his mother, who he comes to terms with in the end, and his father who died to young, leaving him with a half-sister who he feels insecure about. He thinks he wants a big family so he'll never be alone, and I will give him props for suggesting adoption when he misunderstood Con not wanting to have kids, but after 3 weeks miserably apart, his sister Penny makes him realize what he actually wants and they live HEA.
**this really only took me a couple days to read - I paused it to re-read the VIP series prompted by the Fated Mates episode on Managed.**