A review by dariai
The Gaps by Leanne Hall


The Gaps is a book about 16 year old Yin's abduction - or at least that mystery is the underlying plot. More importantly, it is a story about friendships, family, privilege, growing up, and self-discovery.

The writing is easy to read while also being smart, insightful, and incredibly enjoyable. We follow two perspectives - one is a popular girl at school with a close connection to Yin, while the other is a girl who is relatively new to their school and a bit of an outsider - and a diverse cast of characters. As a result you get to see different perspectives to the situation and different people's reactions to Yin's abduction, which also adds something more to a seemingly simple plot and keeps The Gaps compelling to read.

Overall, I found The Gaps to be relatable (it's always great to read Australian books), as well as thought provoking and moving (I may have shed a tear at the end).

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.