A review by ambeesbookishpages
The Killing Jar by Jennifer Bosworth


The full review could be found at THE BOOK BRATZ!

What I liked:

-The idea was interesting and new. The whole sucking out someones soul to feed yourself had its appeal to me.

What I didn't Like:

-The characters weren't very well developed. I feel like we knew very little about Kenna and the other characters. There were a few memories thrown in, but it just wasn't enough to get a feel for her as a character.
There wasn't a lot of information on what Kenna is, Bosworth has opportunity to expand on a whole species and she left it very vague.
-The love triangle was strange. She barley thought about Blake while she was at Eclipse. Then we are introduced to Cyrus who was kept a huge mystery the entire book.
-The climax was disappointing. I expected something much bigger to happen then what did. There was all this build up and then it fell flat.

I think The Killing Jar would have benefited to be more then one book. Development was a big problem, and it is where most of my frustration with the story lied. Initially when I first finished reading I gave this book four stars. But that rating doesn't seem to fit it now.