A review by kailey_luminouslibro
The Chase by Zizou Corder


In this second book, Charlie and his lion friends are on the run from a nasty lion trainer, and Charlie's parents are desperate to escape from the clutches of the evil Corporacy.

I loved the action and adventure in this one, and the way that Charlie begins to trust his own instincts more and more. We find out more about the mystery of WHY Charlie's parents were kidnapped in the first place, and we get to see Charlie growing up, getting stronger, and taking control of his situation.
The lions are such wonderful characters, and they get some more development in this book, along with a few other smaller cats. It's beautiful to see how magnificent they are,

I love how exotic all of the settings are in these books; Paris, Venice, Morocco, and Gibraltar are all described with such vividness that you can feel the heat of the African coastal winds, or the damp climbing the walls in a chilly Venetian hallway.

The story had me cheering for Charlie, and hating the loathsome villains. There are so many emotional ups and downs in this book, and I was fully invested in each character's plotline. The plot really surprised me several times too! So many great twists and turns and wild circumstances!

Can't wait to finish this trilogy! Loving it!