A review by hollowspine
Jan's Atomic Heart and Other Stories by Simon Roy


A very interesting comic collection, some shorter stories, some a bit longer, all well thought out, well drawn, interesting panels and engrossing worlds. All the stories were thoughtful and detailed, but character driven, which for me is a definite plus. I really got a feeling for the characters and their motivations.

This would definitely be a collection I'd recommend to people interested in comics, but who're turned off by the regular super hero fare. I enjoyed the title story Jan's Atomic Heart and though it was pretty detailed (and readers will probably catch on pretty fast to what's going on) and it had an interesting comentary on the world as we know it, but I wanted a little more view on having this hijacked body. I thought that aspect could have been explored a bit more.

I also really enjoyed the story about the two shipwrecked survivors. As I read I couldn't decide how I thought it would turn out and once the end did come I really enjoyed how Roy laid it out. The story Hunter Killer was also quite sad and well done.

A nice collection for any Sci-fi or alternative comics fan.