A review by krissyl
About a Girl by Lindsey Kelk


This was such a fun read. It opens with Tess in the middle of a very large life crisis, and then leads into how she ended up in that position. Taking a phonecall meant for her roommate, Tess ends up photographing a fashion spread in Hawaii. Oh, and she's not a photographer, and her name definitely isn't Vanessa. Yeah, maybe it was a bit far-fetched, but who cares? Sometimes it's fun to lose yourself in the impossible and just enjoy a book. Besides, who hasn't wanted to try on someone else's life at least once? I have.
I found myself relating to Tess a lot. Things she'd say or do were definitely things I'd have said/done myself. The things I didn't like about Tess were things that I don't like in myself, which was an interesting revelation while reading.
I liked the friendship between Paige and Tess, but especially between Amy and Tess. I think everyone needs a friend that they can be completely honest with, and who can tell you when you're being a pain in the butt.
I'm excited that there's another book coming in the summer of 2014, as I'm very excited to see where Tess ends up next. I hope she chooses to continue her unpredictable adventures.