A review by trike
Higher Earth, Volume 1 by Sam Humphries


I really liked the way this story is constructed. Long-time Science Fiction readers have seen these elements used before, but rarely so adroitly. Humphries is adept as timing the reveals of the story, and its breezy start gets progressively darker.

My quibble with the story is that the Science Fiction breaks down into more of a Science Fantasy by the end of this collection. Science Fantasy (like Star Wars) is less interesting to me because the degree of difficulty is lower. That said, the writing and plotting is top-notch otherwise.

The art is serviceable in most regards. There are too few establishing shots for my taste, but you get enough of a sense of the world(s) to know where you are. The jumbled-up-ness of the beginning is intentional. Like our protagonist, we are thrown into the middle of things, so the choice to delay showing off stuff works to keep the reader off-balance. There are a couple really great artistic moments sprinkled throughout, and I particularly liked designs of various outfits the characters wore.

I enjoyed it enough that I'm going to seek out the second volume.