A review by crimyami
Guilt by Association by Marcia Clark


Only giving this 3 stars because it was HARD for me to finish this book. While it is interesting for some of it, it just didn't hold me to it. I like mystery with flare, and I just didn't sense any of the flare for me. Their was too much focusing on the food, and clothing and alcohol. While I know some law enforcement do drink, it is not a daily thing, and it's not high expensive things either. So this was a little aggravating to see and how the main character talks down about the defense and others.

The main character is trying to figure out who killed her coworker, rather than what the FBI think is a simple blackmail situation. Again it sounds like it would be a solid and interesting case but there's just too much focusing on food and clothing and alcohol to even make the plot stand out. Even though it's a decent plot, it's also some what predictable. We do get to see what involvement the DA has in cases which is sort of interesting.