A review by anndouglas
Howard Zinn Speaks: Collected Speeches 1963-2009 by Anthony Arnove, Howard Zinn


This was the very first book I read this year, way back in January. (January feels like a long time ago: a lifetime ago, in many ways.) I'm glad I took a lot of notes while I was reading this passionate and thought-provoking collection of speeches because that is making it easier for me to remember all the things I loved about this book, most notably the boldness and urgency of the ideas and the warmth and humanity of the author.

This quote from the book seems particularly timely and important: "Crisis can cause you to reexamine the premises on which you have operated for a very long time. I do not know if that will happen, but the possibility is there. The other possibility is that we will not take advantage of this moment and we will settle back into cycles in which we go from ordinary misery to extreme misery and back." (From a speech delivered in 2008, during the global financial crisis.)