A review by posies23
Sparrow by Sarah Moon


I loved this book! I don't want to say too much about it, because I think this is the sort of book that is best experienced without many expectations or information about it.

So, in vague terms, this is the story of a girl sent to see a therapist after a perceived suicide attempt. It follows her journey of self-discovery and fills in the backstory of what led up to her attempt (which she denies as actually being an attempt.)

But it's also about much more than that. It's about the power of literature and music. It's about family and friendship. It's about trying, failing, and trying again. It's a wonderfully diverse and inclusive book, too, in all the best ways.

Really, really worth reading, especially for middle school and high school readers. (But hey, I'm a middle-aged guy and I loved it, so it's clearly got a broad appeal!)