A review by kuzminichna
The Book of Beloved by Carolyn Haines


This is a pretty cool book set in the deep South in the early XX century. While I kept wondering as to the historical accuracy of it as the heroine keeps professing various modern ideas on equality - I mean, maybe? plausible? can't truly say it was anachronistic as I just don't know, it is still styled and the author obviously knows the South very well. It is a lot of fun to read, and the twists and turns make for a very exciting engaging reading, all the preaching notwithstanding. The main plot device, the titular Book of the Beloved, is rather out there and the loops don't tie things together all that well but it's still lots of fun. It's a different book. I recommend it. It doesn't at the moment inspire me to read the rest of the series, but I do not regret the time I spent reading it.