A review by grilledcheesesamurai
Bloodshot Volume 2: The Rise and the Fall by Duane Swierczynski


Alright. I want a Bloodshot movie now, damn it!

Seriously, this comic plays out like an action movie from the 80's that I used to watch as a kid. So much love for this book. It seems to have filled a void that I didn't even know that I had.

This whole arc is one big mission. Break into a building, fuck shit up, get the hell out.


You would think that five issues of this would get redundant and dull.

It doesn't. Not even a little bit. There are some seriously cool scenes in here that made me laugh, cringe, and just plain old drop my jaw in amazement. I mean, when was the last time you saw a dudes arm get a compound fracture and then he uses that bone sticking out of his arm to stab the bad guy in the freaking neck?

That scene alone was worth the price of admission for me!

I love stabby-stabby-death-ouchie-scenes. I'm easy to please that way.

But through all this glorious carnage there is some wonderful plot/back-story/world building type stuff going on as well. Add all of that to the stabby-stabby-death-ouchie-scenes and you got yourself one helluva book.

I am so glad that I decided to give Valiant a try as a publisher. With how much I have been enjoying [b:X-O Manowar, Vol 1: By The Sword|16123326|X-O Manowar, Vol 1 By The Sword|Robert Venditti|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1351835155s/16123326.jpg|21945163] and now this book I'm pretty much willing to jump on board and check out their other titles as well.