A review by nipomuki
My Reckless Valentine by Olivia Dade


I read this very quickly, which means I enjoyed the writing. So why do I only give the three stars?

The book was recommended on a podcast by a male librarian. Being a librarian myself, that recommendation made me curious enough to go buy the ebook.

What I really enjoyed:

The main characters, their colleagues and their families were described so vividly that I really „got“ them from the start.
Angela‘s erotica displays and some of her other controversial ideas at the library were super funny.
There was also a lot of emphasis on why libraries are such wonderful places, which does warm my heart.
The hero is a sweet and kind person and he accepts or tries his best to accept Angela as the vibrant women she is.
The friends!
The difficult issues between the couple and between the main characters and their families were dealt with in a thoughtful and realistic way. Some of the conversations and internal dialogues felt important and inspiring to me.

What I did not like:
The sex at the workplace and the whole job situation - I understood the conflict, but just couldn’t get on board with it. Maybe it is a cultural thing that I did not entirely get.
In part it was such a fast read because I skipped all the sex scenes. I did not like them.
The lack of communication that lead to several of the conflicts was realistic, but I still hated it.
As others have already stated: sex in the story time room of a library is not sexy, but pretty disgusting. I work in a children’s section and I just .... gah.
Also I wanted some diversity in that book. Maybe I missed something?