A review by rosalind14
Life: An Exploded Diagram by Mal Peet



I don't think I've read another book quite like this. It began by narrating the lives of a fairly nondescript family though three generations, and the engaging, humorous writing voice was what kept my interest at first. The story began to center on a teenage boy named Clem dealing with a forbidden first romance with the daughter of his father's boss. Interspersed were chapters detailing the events of the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis (to be honest, I had known next to nothing of this subject before and actually learned a lot from the book). The last few chapters were when it all came together for me, though-- this book had the kind of ending that after I finished, I had to close the book and just sort out all of my feelings for a while. I loved the message of history coming full circle.

Definitely recommended, and I'll have to get my hands on Tamar soon, which I'm surprised I haven't read yet.