A review by litpages3
Angel Manor by Chantal Noordeloos


I won this in the Early Reviewers giveaway. Once I received the e-book I later took a better look at the title and when I saw Lucifer I was like, oh no...can't do this. Don't like anything to do with the devil (it was more with ghost, spirits and what not). The problem was I had already read the prologue when I looked at the title. Oh ....My....God! When I finished the prologue I actually thought I had just finished Chapter 1. Holy Toledos Batman, I couldn't even imagine how the rest of this book could possibly turn out. It was gory, straight up gory, talking jaws shattering, limbs being torn apart, blood everywhere. If your not a fan of blood, don't even bother. If I thought it couldn't get any worse, then wait till you read the last chapter, inhale...realize what just happened and then exhale. Good book, glad it was free but I'm sure I wouldn't have mind paying for it. The whole time I read this, I thought movie, this could be a movie but I doubt it could have that much blood in it.