A review by uditnair24
Books do Furnish a Life: An electrifying celebration of science writing by Richard Dawkins


The book is more like a collection of essays, foreword and reviews Dawkins wrote for other books and themes. I enjoyed all of it because they are exploring faith, humanity and nature simultaneously. There are interactions between some of the greatest science communicators like Neil deGrasse Tyson, Steven Pinker, Matt Ridley and many more. I do agree with the criticism that it's not one of finest works of dawkins because it's mostly recycled material. Most of this has been made public before and hence people might find it boring. But if you are keen about topics like evolution or atheism or nature then this is the best place to find the musings. The biggest take away for me was further recommendations in terms of books. This book has surely managed to increase my want to read list by manifold.