A review by thegeekyblogger
Dragons Prefer Blondes by Candace Havens


Rating 4 Wine Glasses

I really love this series! It is fun, light, easy to read, and then men are always just so darn hot. The Caruther sisters are smart, capable, stubborn, and can kick some *ss in their Guardian roles. They are all very well balanced with 2 careers (far more than I would be) and even though they are all drop dead gorgeous, they seem to have the same insecurities all us normal gals have. Favorite things about this book: The Dragons are nasty, the leading guy is smart/sexy/vulnerable, the addition of one very cool "granddad" type, and some very naughty dragons. Also, I am hoping in future books we get more Death, he just seems like a great character to get to know.

Really if you love fun, snarky humor with kick butt leading ladies, smart handsome men, and a whole slew of otherworldly problems this is a great series to read.