A review by happiestwhenreading
Expiration Dates by Rebecca Serle


Life is crazy and chaotic and I'm struggling to find anything that sticks for me right now. I decided to give this one a try because I have really enjoyed Rebecca Serle's books in the past.

I'm happy to say this one landed for me! I really enjoyed getting lost in the story. It kept me entertained (which is really hard to do right now); I kept wanting to fly through things so I could return back to the pages. 

I feel like Serle writes relationships so well. I find myself rooting for the characters, and while there are some qualities that feel the same between all of her books, the details are fresh and welcome new ideas to ponder.

I also love how Serle wrote about California in this book. I lived in the Bay Area during college, and visited my brother a lot who lived in LA. I feel like CA gets a bad rap sometimes, but Serle painted a picture of this state that made me realize I kinda miss it! After reading One Italian Summer, I wanted to book a vacation asap, and I feel like I could use a vacation to CA after finishing this one! Serle writes a sense of place so well; sometimes, the cities become characters themselves in her books.

Serle has become an autobuy author for me - I can count on her to deliver a story with substance, but one that doesn't require a lot of work and attention on my end. Simply just a story to sink into...which is absolutely perfect sometimes!