A review by theliteraryowl
Fresh Romance #1 by Amanda Scurti, Sarah Winifred Searle, Kevin Wada, Janelle Asselin, Savanna Ganucheau, Sally Jane Thompson, Sarah Kuhn, Sarah Vaughn, Kate Leth, Arielle Jovellanos


School Spirit, by Kate Leth, Arielle Jovellanos and Amanda Scurti
Rating: 3.5/5 stars.
Review: Loved the art and the diversity but this first issue was too short for me to fully enjoy, which is my main complain with all the issues presented in the bundle. Anyway, what I liked the most: the queer rep/diversity and the fact that there's a WITCH you guys! I absolutely LOVE witches *.*

Ruined, by Sarah Vaughn, Sarah Winifred Searle and
Ryan Ferrier.
Rating: 3/5 stars.
Review: A period graphic novel/comics? YES! Loved the art too, though it was a bit .. simplistic? But it worked well with the story. Though this is the one I enjoyed less I am still really interested in the MC so I'm excited to read the second volume!

The Ruby Equation, by Sarah Kuhn, Sally Jane Thompson and Savanna Ganucheau
Rating 3.5/5 stars
Review: for some reason I thought I wouldn't enjoy this one but I was wrong. Again, it was too short but it was still cute and enjoyable.
Can't wait to read volume 2 now 😃

Also, when I first saw Fresh Romance I thought it wouldn't be the kind of story I enjoy and I was oh so wrong! It was cool and cute and reminded me of the graphic novels I read when I was younger.