A review by litwife
All But What's Left by Carrie Mumford


The feels

All But What’s Left pulled on my heart strings in a way that I was so not expecting. I agreed to Read an advanced copy expecting a mystery or suspense but what I got was a true coming of age story that follows Hannah through the grand, life altering moment where she stops going through the motions and actually begins to consider who she is and who she wants to be. You may not have grown up on a ranch or lost a parent or even been raised in the kind of small town where everyone knows your name yet, her story is so relatable, so universal that I can’t imagine any reader not feeling connected to her or being taken back to the time in your life when you stood at a proverbial fork in the road and had to make a decision about which way to go. Have you ever read a book that just *felt* like it should be a movie? To the point where you were even playing casting director and location scout in your head? This was one of those books. It gave me serious Nicholas Sparks vibes.