A review by olovesbooks
The Romantic Pact by Meghan Quinn


Crew, yes!

I really loved and enjoyed Crew’s story. It was a bit different from what I had imagined, but in the best way possible. I loved his relationships with people he loves. Hutton cracked me up! If he doesn’t already, he deserves his own book. Crew is at that time in his life where he needs to decide between living life the way he thinks people expect him to or to live a life he is passionate about. This is so relatable to everyone and I am so happy that that was a big part of this story.

Crew and Hazel KIND OF reminded me of River and Anastasia in the sense that they were always fated to be together like River and Anastasia were.

I loved Hazel in the beginning of the book. But about 85% in, she lost me. It was frustrating to see how stubborn she was. Crew was stubborn, but he still tried. She gave up multiple times before giving them a real shot. BUT I GET IT. I do. But I could only put up with it for so long. When she finally came to her senses, I forgave her for being ridiculous lol

What docked a star and kept this from being a 5 star read for me was the exchanges between River, Hollis, and Crew. River’s responses didn’t feel like what he would say compared to the first book. And I wish there were more interaction between the three of them. With all the troubles that Crew was experiencing, I was hoping that when he reached out to River and Hollis, River would reply with his three things for River. Maybe I am thinking too hard about it...

Nevertheless, this was a great read and definitely recommend it and this series. Now, on to The Relationship Pact...