A review by emeraldreviews
Ragged by Christopher Irvin


Wind in the willows meets the godfather!

Ragged is a different kind of story for me. I normally like my fantasy stories to be based around humanoid type characters/races with fantastical counterparts. This, however, converted me! Christopher Irvin has created a beautiful forest world in this story full of a vast array of animal characters.

The foundation of the story is based around a forest dwelling town of sentient animals who are so much like humans but encompassing their individual animal based characteristics. Each of the animal groups in the story has unique personalities which provides a wealth of intrigue around so many different characters. There is so much to learn about each of them and this just maintains the beauty of this character driven novel. As with all ‘civilised’ societies, there is unfortunately prejudice involved. Each animal group tends to make sly digs at the others and ultimately creates masses of friction between them at times. There is also a faction/gang that live on the outskirts of the village that prey on the supply caravans and those that stray too far from town which brings in the godfather, gang warfare aspect of the story. Needless to say the townsfolk have their own opinions of these ragged villains!

The family values of this novel are beautifully portrayed. Based around a father whose wife disappeared and subsequently died, looking after his pups whilst investigating her disappearance and also trying to hold his standing in a town who are suspicious of his past. I felt such a connection to Cal as a husband and father of two, I couldn't begin to imagine how I would cope in his shoes…or should I say fur!

Ultimately Ragged is a superb novel which had me hooked from the very beginning. The heartfelt family values along with standing up for what is right and bringing society together made this story one that creates such positive feelings about life. Regardless of your background or genetic make up, everyone has the ability to do right in this world, to be anything. Embrace who you are. We are all special.