A review by britwit24
A Murder at Rosamund's Gate by Susanna Calkins


I really enjoyed reading this 17th century murder mystery that takes place in London, England. It's has well developed characters including the strong and intelligent protagonist, Lucy Campion, who is the Chambermaid for Magistrate Hargraves Household.
Master and Mistress Hargraves ran a kind and fair household and their servants, Mary the Cook, her husband, John the Masters Servant, Bessie, the Ladies maid, enjoyed working for the family.
Other members of the Hargrave family included Adam their son, Sarah their daughter and Lucas their ward. As the story unfolds we meet many colourful and meaningful characters. We also learn about Historical events at this time, including the treatment of Quakers, the Plague and the Great Fire of London just to name a few. Once the third murder takes place, another character Willl, Lucy's brother, finds himself charged with the murder of the third victim. Both Lucy and the magistrates son, Adam must try to discover the killer lurking amongst them before her brother is found guilty and hung for the Murder.
The story absorbs the reader right from the start. The suspense and the mystery keep you intrigued and on the edge of you seat. This is a great first novel by Susanna Calkins is very well written and researched and I look forward to reading more Lucy Campion mysteries in the future.